Tag Archives: atheism

On “god”

You believe you have a personal relationship

with your God?


Well, so do I.


You think he tells you how to live your life?

Well, so does mine.


The things your God says are wrong,

my God thinks are fine.


The punishments that make your God strong,

would make mine seem less divine.


Keep your God where it belongs,

In the temple of your mind.


We’ll each get to sing our song

At death; just give it time.

Copyright © henry toromoreno, 2019. All rights reserved

Because the world’s a stage

I don’t know

what you’ve been told,

about what happened

long, long ago;

but it’s happening still

and forever will.

So even as

you sit around

bored or absorbed

by retold stories

of the horde you were born to,

learning the sayings and prayers

making your exit and entrance

being just merely a player,

you should come to learn,

through peace

and through violence

there’s a greater tale told

of black hole horizons,

and dreams from hadrons

collapsing in silence …

… particles blinking

in and out of existence

ignoring the gravitational resistance

…………..that allows you and me

to walk around on this earth

and for whatever it’s worth

whether you accept it or not

this story has got

……………………….no point.

For in a curious twist

the multiiverse missed,

what no good writer ignores.

Who is this story for?

In science news …

While working on a cartoon for this blog about an HIV “vaccine” I felt a little déjà vu — like I had drawn something like this long ago. Digging through some old folders (this is why it’s good to keep journals, diaries and notebooks) I discovered a little cartoon that I had done in high school, and that was actually printed in a 1985 Brooklyn Tech HS newspaper. Here is my new cartoon:


and here is the cartoon I drew in 1985.


I guess some things never change. Like cruel religious dogmas.

Copyright © henry toromoreno, 2009. All rights reserved

Sermon for the godless

I sleep late with my certainty

on Sunday morning, letting the

day break the spell of darkness

like it always has;  subtly at first

and then revealing the full

nature of our spinning.

I have learned to keep

the necessary things that prove

their place in the universe;

that show their accidental

designs in their morbid

architecture – free of ghosts,

or gods breaking laws

of the reality I am forced

to live and learn of.

Magic insults my mind,

my heart, the coffee in my cup,

the steam that makes its

presence known in sunlight.

I have no use for lines

and lies and lore

written in the darkness

of our early fears,

luring us from learning

done against the liturgy

that strives to steal the

wonder woven from letters

and numbers unwilling to bow

or break before superstition.

I believe in the seasons of the year

and the stretch of a day;

the length of shadows

extending further and becoming

less descriptive of their casters.

My garden has taught me

everything I need to know

of caring and kindness.

My aging face reminds me

I am just a metaphor

and that I must rest,

for I have worked all week

proving gravity and love.


Copyright © henry toromoreno, 2009. All rights reserved.

Losing God on 9/11

I saw a bumber sticker recently that read:

“Science flies you to the moon; Religion flies you into buildings”

Everyone with a memory of September 11, 2001 knows where they were and what they were doing when they watched the first truly global event of the new millennium. It was like seeing men walk on the moon or staring blankly as the Challenger exploded against the sky. There are moments that should matter more than others. They deserve our pause and reflection. They are markers in the history of our shared experience here on Earth because they tell us something about ourselves and about each other.


For me September 11th was the day of my final departure from believing in a God who cares about human affairs. Even before then, I was already a cynical agnostic, but one that tried to be respectful of what I saw as the ridiculous stories and ancient rituals of religion. Watching that second plane fly into the North Tower forever rid me of that compunction. My agnosticism was not fueled by any belief in personal salvation nor did I have faith that any of the religions that currently exist get close to describing much, less understanding, God.


That slight chance that I gave God for existing came from a deep, life-long curiosity about the world around me, and from my ability and persistence in wrestling with reality. (Wasn’t that what Jacob was really doing when he dared to go mano a mano with God?) But my agnosticism was instructed by my study of both God and man. I had abandoned religion long ago as an interesting, but ultimately false branch of human understanding. In my mind, religion is a living “fossil” in the ever evolving collection of our total knowledge. It reveals its origins from our early history in its practices, dogma, and rituals, and it displays its complete disregard for the true nature of objective reality in its various and contradictory superstitions.


Right now, for example, three religions that claim to believe in the same God and actually “share” a central sacred city have divided it, like children fighting over a room, and forbid one another from entering certain areas. These three religions, in fact, hold the rest of the world hostage as their constant real world quarrels (over land, resources, politics) become infected with language and beliefs from Bronze age ideologues. One religion reaffirms its covenant with God by chopping off their sons’ foreskins, the other claims the virgin birth and resurrection of a human sacrifice, and the last has built a huge temple around a black meteor. Do any of these sound like the behavior or beliefs of modern people who can communicate via satellite, perform organ transplants, land rovers on distant planets, manipulate DNA to produce biolumenscent pigs and have access to arsenals of weapons (and ideas) that can obliterate life? Hardly.


In order to excel as the only species able to talk back to the universe, we need to evolve a world-view that understands the truth about our situation. That we are here alone, for now, in a distant corner of our galaxy, on a tiny wet planet circling a funny little star. But that we are not insignificant. We are able to look back at the glorious mystery that stares us in the face and challenges us to better understand it and its grander meaning, if there is one. And we have done a really good job of answering those questions without religion. In fact, many times, religion has impeded the progress of science, art, philosophy and civilization in general. Religion has taken advantage of people’s inner goodness and desire for answers to great questions by appealing to their feelings of doubt and their ignorance.


Just think of the wealth that had to be stolen from the hard work of ordinary people in order to build the majestic structures that we can visit today through Priceline. Think of the human labor and energy wasted building Angkor Wat or St. Peter’s Basilica. What if the brilliant minds that created those structures had not been so obsessed with the fairly tales to imaginary gods that drove them to create such monuments? Imagine if Gutenberg had printed and spread a tome filled with the ideas of Pythagoras, Omar Khayyam, Euclid, Liu Hui and Epicurus, instead of the nonsense collected and revered in the Bible. How much further along could we be now as a global civilization if we were not so deluded by our need to believe something greater than ourselves? I imagine that if our ancestors had been freed earlier from superstition or magical inclinations, that they would have discovered the truth about germs, disease, energy, chemistry, the universe, life and other aspects of reality in general, and that humanity’s prize today would be much more than just a few grand relics to dead or dying gods.


If we release ourselves now from our ancient superstitions, we will not stop searching for meaning or pursuing wonderful projects. But we will be better equipped for the necessary exchange of information and resources. Human knowledge has been the great collective project that has driven civilization. Whatever established religion had to offer to the discussion, it is no longer contributing to our further progress. We are now positioned to take a great leap forward, knowing what we know about the world, ourselves and the challenges that confront us. Religion only serves to divide us by adding on an unnecessary layer of confusion to our greatest universal pursuits. Unfortunately, we will go on fighting about borders and skin color and personal insults and favorite sports teams. We will still have plenty of other disagreements without God in the way.


But we persist in playing Pascal’s wager on the safe side, when it is the other bet that would free us to explore our better selves. Believing in God in general, and a specific God in particular, ties us to irrational dogmas that always come with other messy, unnecessary corollaries. If there is a God, and we don’t believe, I think we will act godly every moment of our lives, without instruction from the outside. Using what we know of goodness from history and from personal experience. Just as we tear apart the pages of the holy books, keeping what sits right with our collective hearts, we can use our minds to find what is divine in all of us, once we can accept that on Earth, at least, we are all alone.


Copyright © henry toromoreno, 2009. All rights reserved.

Freed from Eden

That first bite full of delicious

temptation filled their minds

with more stars than the heavens

granted every night.


They awoke like gods

to see their bars and did not

want to go on living caged

and kept like well-trained pets.

They saw that the garden

was no more than a zoo where they

had arrived late. After light and the

firmament and the fish and fauna …

but better off than the angels

who had already been taken into bondage.


Looking back they would forget

that they had lost nothing, and learned

that the sky had a reason for being blue;

and that apples could be had

any time of any day.


Copyright © henry toromoreno, 2009. All rights reserved.