Tag Archives: A Dream Deferred

deferring dreams, no more

race is not

just a lie …

but a horrible tangle

that needs be decried


needs be split open

set in the sun

put out to dry

for now it is

a dirty, slimy, rotting knot

of pus leaking snot

of old blood clotted

spotting and spitting

unwitting thoughts and beliefs

leaking into our lives

and our dreams


a cancerous meme

made stronger in waves

and on screens

depicted for what “it”

can mean … but it’s not

it’s a lie


it’s a colorful twist

on how we are made

to survive

a spiraling joke

from a helix

that shows we’re

99 percent the same

on the inside


race, is a lie

and always has been, now

we need wash our hands

and our mind of its sin

we cannot carry

that load,

lest we implode.


Copyright © henry toromoreno, 2012. All rights reserved.